On April 1, 2014, Six values packers deliveried to korea .

 On April 1, 2014, Six values packers deliveried to korea .
Our customer has been engaged 10 years on dry mortar plant . He is the director o his company . This is his third time to buy from us .

24 years manfucture experience. 100000㎡ workshop. 56 office institution around the country. Professional installation team and after-sales service.

Mob: 0086-15836118091
Email: Joy1110@feedmachinemill.com

Jicheng Industrial area,Sunxingcuntown, Xinxiang city,Henan province

product list
Automatic feed mill plant Pellet Mill
Extruder Hammer Mill
Mixer Crumbler and Sifter
Counter flow Cooler Conveying Equipment
Precleaner Packer
